黄 淞
E-mail: huangsong@ecust.edu.cn
电话:+86 13732207059
地址: 上海市徐汇区梅陇路130号实验17楼509室
男,1990年7月出身,辽宁铁岭东说念主,相关标的为极点环境下承压建造安全保险技巧,聚焦于氢安全和超高压可靠性技巧贫乏,主抓国度当然科学基金2项,企业阵势多项,行为技巧主干完成了国内设想压力最高的高压氢环境检察装配(设想压力大于140MPa),冲突了超高压增压器(1400MPa)技巧的国产化,在International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Composite Structures、压力容器等高水平学术期刊发表论文30余篇,得到国度发明专利5项。兼任世界锅容标委安全保护装配圭臬化相关责任组委员、《中国特种建造安全》后生编委。
2024.01-于今 华东理工大学 机械与能源工程学院 副露出
2021.05-2023.12 华东理工大学 机械与能源工程学院 特聘副相关员
2019.03-2021.04 华东理工大学 机械与能源工程学院 博士后
2013.09-2019.03 浙江大学 化工历程及机械 博士
2009.09-2013.06 大连理工大学 历程装备与死心工程 学士
化工建造设想(上海市佳构课程)亚洲色图 千百度
1. Yile Han, Song Huang*, Hu Hui, 2024, Comparative Analysis of Bursting Pressure Prediction Methods for Steam Generator Tube with Volume Defect. Journal of Pressure Vessels Technology—transactions of ASME. 146(2): 021701. (SCI, IF=1.0)
2. Song Huang, Hu Hui*, Jian Peng, 2023, Prediction of Hydrogen-assisted Fracture under Coexistence of Hydrogen-enhanced Plasticity and Decohesion. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48(94): 36987-37000 (SCI, top期刊, IF=7.2)
3. Zehong Chen, Yalin Zhang, Song Huang*, Hu Hui, 2023, Assessing Toughness Levels for Nuclear Containment Vessels Steel To Determine The Need For PWHT Based On The Master Curve Method.Journal of Pressure Vessels Technology—transactions of ASME, 145(3): 031501(SCI, IF=1.0)
4. You Li, Song Huang*, Hu Hui, Yile Han, Jiayi Huang & Zhiping Chen, 2023, Revealing influence of warm bending on creep performance of heat-resistant 2.25Cr-1Mo-0.25 V steel,Journal of Materials Science, 58, pp. 3802–3824.(SCI, IF= 4.5)
5. Song Huang, Hu Hui*, 2022, Predictive environmental hydrogen embrittlement on fracture toughness of commercial ferritic steels with hydrogen-modified fracture strain model. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47(19):10777-10787 (SCI, top期刊, IF=7.2)
6. Chao Yang, Hu Hui, Xinyi Song, Song Huang*,2021, Theoretical and Experimental Research on Designed Bursting Pressure of Ultra-high Pressure Rupture Disc.Journal of Pressure Vessels Technology—transactions of ASME, 143(3): 031301 (SCI, IF=1.0)
7. Song Huang, Yalin Zhang, Chao Yang, Hu Hui*, 2020, Fracture Strain Model for Hydrogen Embrittlement based on Hydrogen Enhanced Localized Plasticity Mechanism. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,45(46), pp. 25541-25554 (SCI, top期刊, IF=7.2)
8. Song Huang, Hu Hui*, Zhiping Chen, 2020, Numerical Limit and Shakedown Analysis Method for Kinematic Hardening Structure Made of Arbitrary Inhomogeneous Material. Composite Structures, 234, 111641.(SCI, top期刊, IF=6.3)
9. Song Huang, Hu Hui*, Zhizhen Peng, 2020, Probabilistic Structural Integrity Assessment for Inconel690 Alloy Steam Generator Tube with Volume Defect, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 371, 110949(SCI, IF= 1.7)
10. Song Huang, You Li, Xinyi Song, Hu Hui*, Jiru Zhong, 2020, Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Manufacturing Induced Material Inhomogeneity in Hydrogenation Reactor Shell,Journal of Pressure Vessels Technology—transactions of ASME, 142(5), 051504 (SCI, IF=1.0)
11. Zhongqiang Zhou, Song Huang*, Hu Hui, Yalin Zhang, 2020, Estimation of Minimum Design Metal Temperature by MDMT Curve and Correlations of Charpy Impact and Fracture Toughness. Journal of Pressure Vessels Technology—transaction of ASME, 142(6), 061504 (SCI, IF=1.0)
12. Chao Yang, Hu Hui, Song Huang*, 2020, Theoretical and Experimental Study on Sealing Performance of a Novel Ultra-high Pressure Bursting Disc. Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 235(22), 0954408920959893. (SCI, IF= 2.4)
13. Song Huang, Zhiping Chen*, You Li, Delin Zhang. 2019, “Impact of Hot Bending on the High-Temperature Performance and Hydrogen Damage of 2.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V Steel” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 28, 567–577(SCI, IF= 2.3)
14. Song Huang, Zhiping Chen*, Wenqiang Su, et al. 2018, “Limit and Shakedown Analysis under Hydrogen Embrittlement Condition” Meccanica, 53(8): 2193-2208 (SCI, IF=2.7);
15. Song Huang, Futeng Wan. Peng Jiao.& Zhiping Chen*. 2018, “A modified basis reduction method for limited kinematic hardening shakedown analysis under complex loads.” Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 46(1): 85-100 (SCI, IF=3.9);
16. Song Huang, Zhiping Chen*, Wenqiang Su. 2017 “The Fatigue Threshold Computation of Steel in Hydrogen Environment by Shakedown Analysis”. Proceedingof Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference. ASME. (EI)
17. Zhiping Chen*, Song Huang, and Haigui Fan. 2015, Strength and Stability Analysis of Double-Deck Floating Roof Under Wind Load. Proceedingof Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference. ASME. (EI)
18. 袁舒梦, 黄淞, 惠虎, 2022, 基于GB/T 34019圭臬与ASME VIII-3圭臬的钢制瓶式容器疲惫寿命分析,压力容器,39(1):69-78.(汉文中枢)
19. 陈泽鸿,黄淞,惠虎,2022,金属内胆纤维环向缠绕储氢气瓶临界疲惫轮回次数影响身分探究, 化工建造与管说念,59(4): 1-7. (汉文中枢)
20. 黄淞, 陈志平, 李尤, 2020, 热-机载荷作用下随动强化管说念舒缓性分析的校正数值步调. 机械强度. 42(2):420-425.(汉文中枢) 色情艺术中心
21. 黄淞, 陈志平, 李尤, 苏文强, 唐小雨. 2019, 温卷成形对2.25Cr1Mo0.25V圆柱壳组织和力学性能的影响. 金属热处置. 44(5):77-82.(汉文中枢)
22. 宋昕宜, 黄淞, 惠虎, 宫开国,2020,液压成形不锈钢波节换热管外压失稳与其尺寸关系的相关,压力容器,37(1):1-7.(汉文中枢)
1. 陈志平,黄淞,唐小雨,苏文强. 一种临氢厚壁圆柱壳弹性极限载荷测度步调. 中国发明专利,专利号:201610668815.6 (已授权)
2. 陈志平,黄淞,徐烽,郑晨超. 一种临氢厚壁圆柱壳弹性应力应变的测度步调. 中国发明专利,专利号:201610670679.4 (已授权)
3. 陈志平,黄淞,万福腾. 一种洽商随动强化行径的承载件舒缓性载荷测度步调. 中国发明专利,专利号:201610056372.5 (已授权)
4. 黄淞, 惠虎. 一种加氢站用夹套式高压储氢装配,中国发明专利,专利号:202010963083.X(已授权)
5. 黄淞, 惠虎. 一种抗疲惫高压储氢容器,中国发明专利,专利号:202011117229.5(已授权)